di_calc_curvature: Domain Integral CALculate CURVATURE


Domain Integral CALculate CURVATURE:
calculate coefficients of curve described by crack front nodes.
c             determine if crack front is curved.
c             find coefficients of a quadratic expression defined by
c             three crack front nodes: x = az^2 + bz + c
c             if 'a' equals zero +/- tolerance, consider the front
c             nodes to be colinear, and exit.
c             for a circular crack, find center and radius of a
c             circle defined by the first three crack-front nodes.


j_data.crack_curvature DOUBLE PRECISION (7)
c             contents of array 'crack_curvature':
c             crack_curvature(1) = 0 for straight front
c                                = 1 for curved front
c             crack_curvature(2) = 0 for unknown curvature
c                                = 1 for for a circular curve
c             crack_curvature(3) = local x coordinate for circle
c                                = coefficient 'a' for polynomial
c             crack_curvature(4) = local z coordinate for circle
c                                = coefficient 'b' for polynomial
c             crack_curvature(5) = circle radius for circle
c                                = coefficient 'c' for polynomial
c             crack_curvature(6) = coefficient 'd' for polynomial
c             crack_curvature(7) = coefficient 'e' for polynomial

Calling Tree

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c *    di_calc_curvature                                        *
c *        -di_calc_coefficients                                *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************


q = ( x3 - x2 ) / ( ( z3 - z2 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) )
& - ( x1 - x2 ) / ( ( z1 - z2 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) )

circular curve:

x_center = ( ( x1*x1 + z1*z1 ) * ( z3 - z2 )
& + ( x2*x2 + z2*z2 ) * ( z1 - z3 ) & + ( x3*x3 + z3*z3 ) * ( z2 - z1 ) ) & / ( two * ( x1 * ( z3 - z2 ) & + x2 * ( z1 - z3 ) & + x3 * ( z2 - z1 ) ) )
z_center = ( ( x1*x1 + z1*z1 ) * ( x3 - x2 )
& + ( x2*x2 + z2*z2 ) * ( x1 - x3 ) & + ( x3*x3 + z3*z3 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) ) & / ( two * ( z1 * ( x3 - x2 ) & + z2 * ( x1 - x3 ) & + z3 * ( x2 - x1 ) ) )
circle_radius = ( (x1 - x_center)**two
& + (z1 - z_center)**two )**half

3-node curve:

a = ( x3 - x2 ) / ( ( z3 - z2 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) )
& - ( x1 - x2 ) / ( ( z1 - z2 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) )

b = ( x1 - x2 + a * ( z2*z2 - z1*z1 ) ) / ( z1 - z2 )

c = x1 - a * z1*z1 - b * z1

5-node curve:

call least-squares regression subroutine di_calc_coefficients to compute coefficients of polynomial.

Call di_calc_coefficients

subroutine to compute coefficients of a fourth-order polynomial by a linear least-squares regression of the five data points of the five crack-front nodes.


solve a linear set of simultaneous equations using gauss elimination with partial pivoting. one rhs is permitted. the coefficient matrix may be non-symmetric. the coefficient matrix is replaced by it’s triangulated form.

solves: [a] {x} = {b}:

c *        a       -- coefficient matrix of                          *
c *        x       -- vector to receive computed solution            *
c *        b       -- vector containing the right hand side          *
x = [e d c b a]