di_fgm_setup: Domain Integral FGM SETUP


call di_fgm_setup ( 1, nonode, out, temperatures )


allocate data structures for two terms used in the calculation of the derivative of the stress work density. these are: nodal values of stress work density and strain.


j_data.extrap_counts INTEGER (nonode) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.swd_at_nodes (nonode) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.strain_at_nodes DOUBLE PRECISION (6,nonode) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.fgm_e LOGICAL

j_data.fgm_nu LOGICAL

Calling Tree

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c *       -di_fgm_setup                                         *
c *            -di_nod_vals                                     *
c *                 -di_extrap_to_nodes                         *
c *                      -ndpts1.f                              *
c *                      -oulg1.f (oulgf)                       *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************

Call di_nod_vals

call di_nod_vals( extrap_counts, swd_at_nodes, strain_at_nodes )

build average nodal values of the strain and stress work density for all nodes in the model.

c                build average nodal values of the stress work density
c                (swd) and strains in the model. for each element,
c                shape functions will be used to extrapolate integration-
c                point values to each of the element's nodes where they
c                are then averaged.

Call di_extrap_to_nodes

subroutine to extrapolate strain and stress work density values from integration points to nodes for one element.

c                       loop over element nodes. for 8 and 20-noded
c                       hex elements using 2x2x2 integration, we
c                       extrapolate to the nodes using the lagrangian
c                       polynomials. otherwise we just average the
c                       integration-point values and use that value
c                       at every node. warp3d uses the following
c                       arguments to describe elements and integration
c                       order:
c                       etype = 1: 20-noded brick
c                       etype = 2:  8-noded brick
c                       etype = 3: 12-noded brick
c                       etype = 4: 15-noded brick
c                       etype = 5:  9-noded brick
c                       etype = 1, int_order = 1: 27 point rule (not used)
c                       etype = 1, int_order = 8:  8 point rule
c                       etype = 1, int_order = 9: 14 point rule
c                       etype = 2, int_order = 1:  8 point rule
c                       etype = 2, int_order = 2:  6 point rule (not used)