di_node_props_setup: Domain Integral NODE PROPertieS SETUP


call di_node_props_setup (1, nonode, nelblk )


obtain alpha values at nodes. for temperature-dependent properties, also compute e and nu values at nodes. this routine replaces di_expan_coeff_setup, and the routine it calls, di_node_props, replaces di_node_expan_coeff.


j_data.count_alpha INTEGER (nonode) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.snode_alpha_ij REAL (nonode,6) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.seg_snode_e REAL (nonode) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.seg_snode_nu REAL (nonode) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.block_seg_curves LOGICAL (nellk) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

j_data.process_temperatures LOGICAL

Calling Tree

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c *       -di_node_props_setup                                  *
c *            -di_node_props                                   *
c *                 -di_fgm_alphas                              *
c *                 -di_constant_alphas                         *
c *                 -di_seg_alpha_e_nu                          *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************

Call di_node_props


build average nodal values of material properties at each node in the model. all values are single-precision reals because double-precision accuracy is unnecessary.

loop through element blocks. check type of property assignment in each block.

property assignment: element nodes (fgm)   = 1
                     constant in element   = 2
                     temperature dependent = 3
  1. check for fgm alphas. the identifier ‘fgm_mark’ for fgms assigned in inmat.f is -99.0. elprp.f then assigns this value to props(9,*), props(13,*) and props(34,*)
call di_fgm_alphas( span, first_elem, count_alpha, snode_alpha_ij )
c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * di_fgm_alphas - retrieve nodal values of alpha assigned through    *
c *                 'fgm' input.                                       *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************
  1. check for alphas that are constant throughout element. (this is check #2 because fgm assignment of alpha places ‘-99’ in the props array.)
call di_constant_alphas( span, first_elem, count_alpha, snode_alpha_ij )
c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * di_constant_alphas - retrieve element values of alpha assigned     *
c *                      through element definitions, and add values   *
c *                      to nodal sums. the average nodal value is     *
c *                      then computed in the calling routine.         *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************
  1. check for temperature-dependent material properties assigned using segmental curves. curve_set_type
curve_set_type =0, temperature-independent properties
               =1, temperature-dependent properties
               =2, strain-rate dependent properties
call di_seg_alpha_e_nu( curve_set, num_curves_in_set,
    &                   first_curve, curve_set_type, span, first_elem,
    &                   count_alpha, snode_alpha_ij,
    &                   seg_snode_e, seg_snode_nu )
c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * di_seg_alpha_e_nu - retrieve nodal values of alpha, e and nu       *
c *                     assigned through temperature-dependent         *
c *                     segmental curves. to simplify logic, nodal     *
c *                     alpha values are added to sum and averaged     *
c *                     in calling routine. e and nu values at nodes   *
c *                     are not averaged.                              *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************