Version 17.9.2: didriv.f: Domain Integral DRIVer


domain driver:

drive the computation of j-integral values using the domain integral technique.


drive the computation of mixed-mode stress intensity factors and t-stress using the interaction integral.

didriv.f Declaration Tree

didriv.f Calls Map


1. check validity of domain before starting computations.


2. perform exhaustive check on consistency of 1) number of front nodes, 2) front interpolation order, and 3) domain type.


call dickdm:

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c * domain_check  - exhaustive testing of domain defintiion for *
c *                 consistency                                 *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************

3. allocate space for a q-value at each structure node. allocate space for expanded lists of coincident front nodes at each front location.


4. output header information for domain


call diheadr:

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c * domain_header - output info at start of domain computations *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************

5. when q-values are given by the user, expand the compressed list of q-values into a list of length number of structure nodes.


6. set up the domain. for automatic domains, set q-values at front nodes. then find coincident front nodes and set their q-values.


call distup.f:

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c * set_up_domain  -- set up the domain for processing          *
c *                   find coincident front nodes and set their *
c *                   q-values                                  *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************


j_data.q_values REAL (:) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

7a. create vector with list of elements on the crack front for this domain


call di_cf_elem:

c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * di_cf_elem - create a logical vector whose entries are .true. for  *
c *              elements incident on the crack tip, and .false. for   *
c *              those that are not. dicmj will use this info to set a *
c *              flag for each element that is analyzed by dielem. if  *
c *              a user includes the domain integral command           *
c *              'omit crack front elements for fgms yes', the flag    *
c *              will cause terms7 and 8 to be set to zero.            *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************


j_data.crack_front_elem LOGICAL (:) ALLOCATABLE SAVE

7b. use crack front element to set if J computations will use small or large strain formulation. all elements in domain must match be the same formulation.


8. at point on front where integral is being computed, build the global->crack rotation matrix. gather coordinates and displacements of crack-front nodes, and rotate them to local crack-front system.


call dimrot.f:

c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * dimrot - compute the 3x3 global -> crack front local rotation      *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************


j_data.domain_origin INTEGER j_data.domain_rot(3,3) DOUBLE PRECISION (3,3)

8c. calculate strain e33 at node at domain origin. this is for T-stress calculations using the interaction integral

计算域起源节点处的应变e33。这是用于使用相互作用积分的T-应力计算。 仅线性弹性分析

call di_calc_e33:

c *******************************************************************
c *                                                                 *
c *   calculate strain e33 at domain origin for T-stress calcs.     *
c *   calculate strain e33 as the difference between the            *
c *   deformed and undeformed crack-front lengths delta_L / L       *
c *                                                                 *
c *******************************************************************

8c. calculate properties of a curve passing through the front nodes. these will be used to compute distance ‘r’ from integration points to a curved crack front.


call di_calc_curvature from

c *******************************************************************
c *                                                                 *
c *   calculate coefficients of curve described by crack front      *
c *   nodes.                                                        *
c *                                                                 *
c *******************************************************************

9. compute area under the q-function over that part of crack front for this domain. the area must be >0 else fatal error in domain (user forgot to set q-values on front nodes)


call difrar.f:

c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * di_front_q_area - compute area under q-function along front for    *
c *                   this domain                                      *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************

10. formerly set logical flags to indicate if the nodal velocities and accelerations are all zero for this load step.

no longer used



Need to do this when temperatures have been specified in model. Possibly leading to computation of J_6

Not needed if the user has input initial stresses or set an initial state for J-processing to accommodate prior thermo-mechanical processing. In such cases those effects, FGMs, thermal, … will be included thru J_7, J_8

Build the node average value of thermal expansion coefficient. for temperature-dependent material properties, also build the node average value of young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio. For temperature-independent material properties, values of e and nu are obtained within dicmj.f

nodal properties are needed for domain integral computations to compute spatial derivatives within the domain.





call di_node_props_setup:

c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * di_node_props_setup - obtain alpha values at nodes. for            *
c *                       temperature-dependent properties, also       *
c *                       compute e and nu values at nodes. this       *
c *                       routine replaces di_expan_coeff_setup,       *
c *                       and the routine it calls, di_node_props,     *
c *                       replaces di_node_expan_coeff.                *
c **********************************************************************


Needed when FGM nodal properties are actually used for elements in model, when the user has defined an initial state, or temperature dependent stress-strain curves are used (effectively makes the material an FGM), or input initial stresses.

Needed for I integrals with temperatures in model.

Even if not needed, the code builds small, dummy arrays to satisfy checks.

Build the nodal averages of strain energy density (W) and nodal values of displacement gradient (3x3) at t_n relative to coordinates at t=0. These terms are used to calculate the derivative of W wrt crack local X and derivatives of the gradients wrt crack local X – both at integration points for J(7) and J(8).





call di_setup_J7_J8:

c **********************************************************************
c *                                                                    *
c * allocate data structures and drive computations                    *
c * to enable subsequent computations of J(7) and J(8) terms.          *
c *                                                                    *
c * if computations not actually required, create small, dummy arrays  *
c * to simplify checking                                               *
c *                                                                    *
c * get a stress work value (W) at all model nodes by extrapoaltion    *
c * from element integration point values, then node averaging         *
c *                                                                    *
c * also get the displacement gradiaents partial(u_i/x_j) (3x3)        *
c * at model nodes by extrapolation from element integration points    *
c *                                                                    *
c **********************************************************************

12b. at point on front where integral is being computed, collect young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio. this assumes that all elements connected to this crack-front node have identical, homogeneous material properties, or that fgm material properties have been assigned to the model. for homogeneous material, “props” contains material data. for fgms, read data from “fgm_node_values.” for temperature-dependent properties, segmental data arrays contain the properties.


12c. at point on front where integral is being computed, props(7,elemno) and props(8,elemno) may be zero if the element has been killed. in this case, use the first nonzero values of e and nu.

在计算积分的裂尖点上,如果单元被杀死,则props(7,elemno)和props(8,elemno)可能为零。 在这种情况下,使用第一个e和nu的非零值。

12d. output info for domain about temperature at crack front and alpha values. Also E, nu at front


13a. init various tracking values for for J and I


13b. separate drivers for comput values on 1 domain for user-defined q-values, and for defining-computing over automatic domains


14. user wants automatic construction of domains.

14a. get last ring at which output will be printed. domains are always generated starting at ring 1 but j-values may not be computed for every domain.

14b. allocate arrays needed to support construction/definition of the domains. for type 4, we need only a nodal bit map. for types 1-3, we need two sets of nodal bit maps. each set has 3 maps of length to record all structure nodes. element list stored in the common vector.

14c. set up to accumulate statistics for computed domain values.

14d. loop over all domains. construct definition of the domain (q-values, element list). call driver to actually calculate value for domain.

call diexp4.f:

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c * domain expand 4 - expand type 4 automatic domain            *
c * domain expand 13 - expand type 1-3 automatic domain         *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************

call dicmj.f:

c ***************************************************************
c *                                                             *
c * domain_compute - drive execution of element routine to      *
c *                  compute j and i-integrals for a single     *
c *                  domain                                     *
c *                                                             *
c ***************************************************************

15a. write j-integral and i-integral data to standard output


15b. write j-integral and i-integral data to packets


16. release arrays used for both user defined and automatic domains. call routines to get releases on other than rank 0 for MPI
